Membership benefits
YKA offers you a wide range of services and membership benefits:
- Safeguarding of interests – working towards improving members’ salaries and terms of employment
- Employment relationship advice from lawyers and experts
- Career services (read more below)
- Versatile insurance policies
- Earnings-related unemployment allowance
- Training and events
- Research findings on the labour market
- Publications
- Travel and holiday benefits
You can find more information about the member benefits in Finnish here. This page will update soon to cover the information also in English. Thank you for your patience.
YKA is your partner for career wellbeing
These days we need all kinds of different career skills. We want to offer YKA members skills and capabilities for different kinds of career situations and transitions. Whether you are at the beginning of your career, or you have been in working life for a while or a long time, we can offer you tools and sparring. Our services include e.g. personal career coaching and counselling for wellbeing at work, salary guidance, a listing of open positions suited for social science professionals, mentoring and an extensive range of training and professional events.
Most of YKA’s services and events are held in Finnish, but personal coaching, counselling and guidance are also available in English.
We offer personal career coaching and solution-focused brief therapy also in English.
The career coaching is suited for situations when you need to clarify your skills and competence, are undergoing an organizational or personal role change, or are just wondering what could be a suitable next step in your career. Or perhaps you’re applying for a job and would need a quick looking-over of your job application?
We also offer solution-focused brief therapy for when you’re perhaps feeling overwhelmed in your life situation and think you could benefit from a short therapy process with a trained professional.
Yearly two appointments of any services mentioned above are included in your membership.
Here’s what our therapist Liselotte (MSSc, therapist – solution-focused short therapy, NLP Practitioner & Coach, Goal Mapping Practitioner, workplace mediator) has to say about solution-focused brief therapy:
‘Sometimes we lack required resources to face challenges at work or in life in general. In those situations, it is good to talk to a person unrelated to your workplace or your own life. As a solution-focused short therapist, I am there for you. I help you find your steps forward by listening and asking questions. Together, we shed new light on the situation, we find new thoughts and ideas, and new solutions to problems. If you only want to clarify your own thoughts, that is okay as well.’
Get better acquainted with our services and book a time for a telephone or video conversation.
If Finnish is all Greek to you, please contact If not, please check all of our career services in Finnish.