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Contact us

Update your member information on Oma YKA

Login to Oma YKA by using your member number or phone number. In Oma YKA you can see and manage your member information.

Contact information

Mikonkatu 8 A (9th floor), 00100 Helsinki

Tel. 010 231 0350 Mon-Fri 9am-3pm

The call rate is determined by the mobile subscription agreement when calling from a mobile phone and by the local network charge of the subscription agreement when calling from a landline.

If you would like us to call you, please leave a call request at


Simo Pöyhönen

Maria Teikari

Communication and organization

Salla Merikukka

Mona Zabihian

Member communication, daily communication, annual review

Meri Tennilä

Aino Lehtinen

Ida Kettuoja

Georg Sokolov

Heini Hult-Miekkavaara

Employment advice

Nuutti Pursiainen

Petri Toiviainen

Jukka Nohteri

Heidi Tupamäki

Antti Salokoski

Magdaleena Selkee

Ainomaija Rajoo

Member services

Career services

  • Yhteystiedot löydät alta

Contact us!

Member services

Sanna Autere, Eerika Elonen and Henna Kourilehto help you with all matters concerning your membership.

Contact us for example when

  • you want to join YKA
  • you want to change your membership information
  • you are applying for a reduced membership fee

If you want us to call you, leave a callback via email ().

Send us an encrypt email by clicking here.

Employment advice/legal aid

Marjut Soininen

Pia Ruuska

YKA ambassadors

Saara Pajunen

Anni Sairanen

Irja-Ulriikka Valta

Miika Vakkilainen

Olli Castrén

Julia Huovinen

Alina Tuomela

Ruusa Hekkala

Samuel Ronkainen