Login to Oma YKA by using your member number or phone number. In Oma YKA you can see and manage your member information.
Mikonkatu 8 A (9th floor), 00100 Helsinki
Tel. 010 231 0350 Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
The call rate is determined by the mobile subscription agreement when calling from a mobile phone and by the local network charge of the subscription agreement when calling from a landline.
If you would like us to call you, please leave a call request at jasenasiat@yka.fi.
Contact us!
Sanna Autere, Eerika Elonen and Henna Kourilehto help you with all matters concerning your membership.
Contact us for example when
If you want us to call you, leave a callback via email (jasenasiat@yka.fi).
Send us an encrypt email by clicking here.
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